Desain Baru Web +Properti Abah Surabaya ❤☺
Properti Abah Indonesia Group is a business group founded by H. Abdul Muid and his family for more than 35 years. The business group has owned and invested over 9 different sectors, including Real Estate Developer, Office Building, Shopping Malls, Hotels, Apartments, Education, Health Center, Agriculture, Telecommunications and Religious Center.
The main business of the Group is the great scale property developers with a construction principle to build life with the three main values, which are Professionalism, Islamic, and Entrepreneurship. These values ensure a sustainable development for the Religion, Nation, Communities, and Peoples.
Properti Abah Indonesia Group has developed projects in 10 different cities around Indonesia. As one of the newest and most diversified property company in Indonesia in terms of product, location, and market segments, Properti Abah Indonesia Group is committed to become the leading property business in the Worldwide.
Properti Abah Indonesia Group is a business group founded by H. Abdul Muid and his family for more than 35 years. The business group has owned and invested over 9 different sectors, including Real Estate Developer, Office Building, Shopping Malls, Hotels, Apartments, Education, Health Center, Agriculture, Telecommunications and Religious Center.
The main business of the Group is the great scale property developers with a construction principle to build life with the three main values, which are Professionalism, Islamic, and Entrepreneurship. These values ensure a sustainable development for the Religion, Nation, Communities, and Peoples.
Properti Abah Indonesia Group has developed projects in 10 different cities around Indonesia. As one of the newest and most diversified property company in Indonesia in terms of product, location, and market segments, Properti Abah Indonesia Group is committed to become the leading property business in the Worldwide.
Setelah sukses dengan Proyek +RSI Cahaya Giri Gresik . Sekolah Islam SHAFTA, Gedung Nahdlatul Ulama Jawa Timur serta berbagai kerjasama dengan Developer Terkemuka seperti Ciputra Group, Pakuwon Group, dan Sinarmas Group. Kami selaku penerus generasi Abah H. Abdul Mu'id siap melanjutkan estafet dakwah di jalan Allah SWT.
Tidak perlu sungkan untuk bersilaturahmi dengan kami untuk bekerjasama mewujudkan properti yang Anda idamkan atau investasikan. Visi kami pemerataan harta di bidang properti untuk umat. Kami beranikan diri memutus urat kapitalisme di dunia ini untuk berbagi kepada sesama. Bila dibandingkan dengan harga pasaran, semua properti kami "murahan" dan keuntungan kami hanya sedikit, tapi kami percaya Allah Ar-Rozaq akan memberikan ganti berlipat-lipat di dunia dan akhirat. Aamiin ya Robbal 'Alamiin
Beberapa Properti Unggulan yang sedang kami proses untuk kemanfaatannya bagi umat:
- Tanah Murah Lontar Surabaya Barat Sangat Cocok untuk Investasi Kos atau Kontarakan sold
- Rumah 2 Lantai Surabaya Barat hanya 500 jutaan sold
- Tanah Kavling Terakhir Strategis Kuwukan Surabaya Barat Sangat Cocok untuk Rumah Pribadi atau Usaha sold
- Tanah Murah Luas Lontar Surabaya Barat Sangat Cocok untuk Rumah atau Usaha sold
- Tanah Sangat Luas, Posisi Strategis View Suramadu Bridge, Sangat Cocok untuk Kawasan Elit Surabaya lebih dari 5 Hektar
- Tanah Sangat Luas Cerme Gresik lebih dari 1 Hektar
- Tanah Luas Sampang Madura lebih dari 1 Hektar
- Tanah Sangat Luas Sidoarjo sold
- Tanah Kavling Siap Bangun Surabaya
- Hotel dan Resort di Lombok
- Rumah 3 Lantai dan 2 Lantai Modern Minimalis TERBARU !
- Rumah Mewah Kolam Renang Surabaya
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Atas niatan dan ikhtiar orang tua kami, khususnya H. Abdul Mu'id diterima segala amal kebaikannya dan dimaafkan segala khilafnya.
Mohon supportnya dari kawan semua!
Mari maju dan terus bergerak untuk Umat! Mari #kentutdalamsarung
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